The Daily Star from Fredericksburg, Virginia (2024)

NUGGETS. Many Minor Merely Mentioned. LIVE LITTLE LOCALS. Hon. J.

H. Biscoe was in the city Wed! needay. Mre. M. B.

Rowe is visiting relatives in Caroline county. For fine Oysters visit Layton's1 lunch room. Mr. W. Key Howard, of Urbanna, was 10 the city Thursday.

Mr. and 1 Mre. Isaac Hirsh bave returned from New York and Atlantic City. Attorney T. Stokely Coleman, Spotsylvania, was a visitor here Thursday.

Try Layton's fried crabs Sandwiches of all kinds. Open every night. Mothers, the best 10 cent stockinge for school wear are at Wallace Company's. Mr. Geo.

Turner, Richmond, was in the city Thureday the of Mr. E. Smith. Mr. and Mrs.

H. H. Wallace and daughter, Miss Ellen, will leave Friday for Atlantic City. Revival services at the People's Mis- sion. Rev.

J. H. Light will preach tonight at 8 o'clock. Miss Mary Thompson in very sick with typhoid fever. Her brother, Mr.

M. C. Thompson, is convalescent. Have you seen those beantiful new Draperies, Ailkoline, Deuime, Velvet Cretone's at Lowery's? Misses Mary and Margaret. Fisher, of Riebmond county, are in the city the guests of Miss Sallie Montgomery.

The Daily Star is prepared to do all kinds of job printing in first-class style, promptly and reasonably. Mr. Theodore G. Miller, of Washington, is here and attended the funeral of his brother-in-law, Mr. Eugene Bode.

Jones has gotten in beautiful line of new fall dress goods and ladies' tailor made suite. See them. Miss McCleary, a nurse at the Mary Washington Hospital, has gone to Culpeper to spend her summer vacation. Persons leaving the city for an extended stay can have The Daily Star mailed to their address for any length of time. Mr.

W. W. Mountjoy and family, of New York, who have been spending the summer in King George, have returned home. Special sale on White Goods. Your choice at per yard.

Make your selection before they are picked over, at I. Hirsh Son's. Mra. Cora Walker, formerly of thie city, spent Wednesday and Thureday with Mrs. F.

Keene on Commerce street. Wanted'- Three salesladies in dry goods store. Experience preferred. Ad. dress, Dry Goode, care Star Office, Fredericksburg, Va.

8-ltf Mr. Sidney 8. Kaufman Has returned from his summer outing. He has visite1 Colonial Beach, the St. Louis Exposition and Chicago.

Several pleasant rooms, with or without boarding, by October let. Furnace heat, all conveniences. Second floor. Address V. Star office.

1w Joseph Sidney and Clarence Kennedy, who were indicted Thursday before the grand jury for stealing Calvin Walker's horse and wagon, will be tried on that charge Friday in the Corporation Court. Go to Norris--the jeweler- for the finest engagement, wedding, birthday and signet rings bat are manufactured. Aleo tine watches, bandsome clocks. Repairing of all kinds promptly done. All goods guaranteed, and Norris' guarantee weans something.

Mr. John A. Maddux, one of the most substantial farmere around Remington, was a visitor here Thursday. was at one time manazer at Boscobel, and is pleasantly remembered by our people Miss Ada Maddux, daughter of Mr. John A.

Maddux, of Remington, has been appointed a pupil nurse at the Mary Washington Hospital and entered upon her duties Wednesday. When you want a beautifully finished and up to date photograph of yourself, you can have it made at the Fredericksburg Dave Gallery. All work guaranteed first class in every respect. Marriage licenses were issued in Washington to Robert F. Lee and Anni ee, both of Frederickeburg, J.

Johnson, of Mineral, Louisa county, and Agnes E. Eliason, of Orange. Mr. A. B.

Botts has greatly improved his grounds around his residence by taking the wooden fence and steps and putting in granolithic curbing and steps He will have the building painted in a few days. Beautiful designs in millinery can always be foundat the establishment of Mrs. D. E. Smith de on Main street.

We are closing out our spring and summer stock at low prices to make ready for the coming fall. Mrs. R. H. Sorrell and family, of Washington, who have been spending the summer at their country home, near Comorn, King George, have returned home and will leave in a few days for a trip to the St.

Louis Exposition. Call and see our line of watches and jewelry. of the latest French designs. Also complete line of cuckoo clocks, brought direct from Europe our Mr. Loewen son, and which we are selling at importere' prices, at Loewenson jewelers.

ARMY MANEUVERS. In the Vicinity of Manassas, via. Southern Railway. On account the army maneuvers in the vicinity of Manassas, low rate round trip tickets will be placed on sale Sept. 6-10, 1904, inclusive, to the maneuver camps.

Trains will leave Manassas for maneuver camps 5.10 a. 9.10 a. 9 25 a 111 11.55 10. 6 15 p. m.

daily, and 5.05 p. week days. Also September 5 to 10, inclus sive, "Army Special," leaving ManasSALS 10 05 a. m. on ticket agents for time table and rates.

ta10 MARRIED AT CULPEPER. Walton- -Wagner. A quiet wedding took place in Culpeper Wednesday evening at the home the bride, when Miss Mary Waguer W88 The bride ie one of De popular married to Mr. Hepry Walton. young ladies of Culpeper, the groom is one mail of the clerks efficient on the United Wastington States rail.

division. The bridal couple extended tour. Rev. J. W.

performWalls ed the ceremony. Kurz-Berrey, Mr. Gustavus Kurz and Miss Fannie Berrey, daughter of Mr. Elliott Berrey, were married in this city at the residence of and by Rev, J. H.

Light Wednesday night. The bride is an attractive and popular young lady with circle of friends, and the groom one of the most promising young, farmers of Stafford. For the present they will reside at the home of the groom's parents near Falmouth. Corporation Court. Corporation Court convened Thursday morning, when a special grand jury was in session, composed of the following gentlemen: David Hirsh, foreman, Geo.

H. Morrison, H. W. Lloyd, L. L.

Layton, Alvin T. Rowe, and W. L. Watson. The jury brought in an indictment against Clarence Kennedy and Joseph Sidney for stealing Mr.

Calvin Walker's horse and wagon. The jury also investigated and cautioned the druggists in the sale of morphine and cocaine. Negro Horse Show at Warrenton. The second annual exhibit of the Warrenton Colored Horse Show Association W88 held Wedneaday. In several classes a full field of excellent horses wereshown, most of them being borrowed for the oecasion.

Interest at high pitch among the colored epectatore when the awards were tendered, the contestante, who in turn drove rapidly around the course, incidentally bowing their recognition of applause. Martin Case Postponed. The case of Martin against the R. F. P.

R. R. Company, set for trial at the next term Stafford court, which, Sept. 12th, has been postponed. VIRGINIA NEWS.

On- Tuesday, Sept. 6, by Rev. W. H. Baker, Miss Margaret Benedict, of Round Hill, and J.

Wilson, of Cleveland, Ohio, were married. Doria Jones, eldest son of Mr. and Mre. A. Jones, of Saluda, Middlesex county, died Wednesday of typhoid fever at the home of his parents.

Miss Isabel Thurston Carter and Rev. W. Gillie, of New York, were married Wednesday at the Plains, Fauquier county. Mr. and Mre.

Gillie will reside in New York. Mre. Sarah Matthews, widow of John Matthewe, died Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ella Matthewe, in Leesburg, from paralysis, at the age of ninety-two Mre. Matthewe the mother of William Matthewe, formerly a prominent lawyer of Leesburg, repre senting Loudoun county for years in the legislature.

She is survived by several grandchildren. CHARGED WITH WIFE MURDER Ex-Mayor of Charlottesville, Arrested On Suspicion. Charlottesville. Sept. J.

Samuel McCue was arrested on the charge of wilfully and premeditatedly murdering his wife last Sunday night. The arrest was made while citizens generally were attending the public session of the coroner's jury. The warrant was sworn out by Special Police Justice A. D. Dabney and served by two policemen of the city.

Mr. McCue made no resistance and is now in the city jail. When McCue was arrested he submitted to being searched by the officers, and kissed his four children good-bye. He said to them: "By the grace of God I will come out of this trouble all right." Mr. McCue stated that he was assaulted and his wife murdered on last Sunday night.

His story immediately aroused suspicion. His testimony and that of others before the coroner's jury strengthened the suspicion against him and the arrest followed. Crowds are gathering in city, but no mob violence is feared. The city militia being absent from the city at the army manoeuvres at Manassas, a special jail guard of 30 men was summoned. DANVILLE RIOTERS JAILED.

Men Who Attempted to Lynch Negro Placed in Same Prison With Him. W. T. Harris, Wicker Armes, Dan H. Talley, Bud F.

Pruitt, George C. J. Lynch and Whit Meyers were convicted in Danville of being participants in the mob, when an attempt was made to lynch the negro, Roy Seals, charged with murder and confined in the city jail. The men were sentenced to pay a fine of $50 and to serve a term of one in jail. The men were recently convicted in the mayor's court and the jail sentence fixed at sixty days.

The case was appealed to a bigher court. The men were marched out of the court room to the prison and will serve the time, They were placed in the same with negro they attempted to lynch. Letter to Doggett Scott, Fredericksburg, Va. Dear Sir: Two years ago, Mr. Grant Smith, Erie, painted three frame houses, and the woodwork of a brick house.

The painter estimated $116 50 for the paint, lead-and-oil. He bought Devoe $97.40 and returned $11.60. Saved $81.10 on the paint. Don't know the cost of the wontia By the rule, the saving of labor be from $60 to $90. On all, from $80 to $120.

This the tale as it comes from Messre Nick Son, our agent there for 40 years. Yours truly 57 DEVOR Co P. Willard Adame sella our paint. The man who is near the bottom of the ladder hasn't far to fall. PLEASANT TRIP.

Our Interesting Correspondent "En: terprise" Tells of His Travels. evidenced by several fine buildings com- pleted and in process of construction, and she is a lively competitor for the increase of trade in the various lines. We noted the handsome park enclos(ing a large drove of deere, which were quietly browsing near the mansion. This property belonge to Mr. A marked decreased in temperature was noticed upon our return to the Burg Monday at 6:30.

Among the notable features observed in the vicinity of Corinth Academy are the magnificent long leafed pines, which however are being rapidly destroyed, or rather reconstructed by the numerous sawmills, and thus consecrated for use by man and beast. We should. add in connection with the peanut industry, the yielde are from 25 to 100 bus. per acre, 22 lbe. to the and last year several pereone realized from $75 to $80 per acre.

Machinery of various kind is suecessfully used in planting, cultivating, but machinery threshing 80. After the sweltering beat -of Friday, Sept 2d, we were loath to make a drive to the 'Burg on Saturday in buggy, yet to keep the faith, in meeting 80 en gagement, duty compelled, and with a good start we reached Comorn at 11:80 by easy stages. The remaining stages of 19 miles, the distance required to be made, was covered by 8:30, and we were gratified in seeing such 8 marked im provement in paving of streets and new side walks, in Frederickeburg. Time was limited' for needed preparations before continuing our journey South, and the intense beat seemed con centrated about the depot. At 5:30 "all aboard," was the cry and we sped Onward towards.

Richmond, creating breeze, refreshing in the extreme, and Richmond was reached in due time and later on, Petereburg, where we changed. off to the N. W. for Ivor Station. This train was one hour behind time.

Onward we sped, and meeting 8 pleasant companion time was shortened, and our friend, wearied with waiting in his carriage, met us with 8 cordial Quaker greeting, and the remaining even miles were made over good graded roads and at 11:30 we landed at Corinth Academy. One very short nap it seemed before we were summoned to breakfast, after which some time was spent in reviewing this school building, a recently completed structure, accommodate the increased number of students and faculry. Nearby is the church and a very neat residence for the pastor. Since these buildinge were commenced lands have increased from 25 to 50 per cent. in valuation in that vicinity.

It being bright starlight, on our. way from the railroad we could see the green fields of peanute, this crop being very promising, and the advance in prices to c. has brought greatly increased prosperity to the farmers Corn is also prom ising, and this, with refuse of peanuts, is used to make the Smithfield hams, 80 celebrated, and for which the demand ie 80 great enough has not yet been supplied, and prices for the green hams are from 14 to varying with size, those most desirable being from 14 to 16 lbs. One of our friends sent 1,300 16a. in one load last fall.

Another firm used the sides, and the shoulders were kept at home and fresh beef te supplied, in lieu of the pork sold, for home use. We were particularly struck with the old -fashioned worm rail fences which are in use throughout that section, 80 that hogs can run at large, and are kept in better condition for the Smithfield ham then if they were penned, wbich makes too much fat and meat is not so finely flavored. Peaches and fruit generally are a failure in Northampton county After Sunday School and devotional exercises we visited some friende a down pour of refreshing rain, which slackened sufficiently to enable them to hold the Christian Endeavor meeting. Then we bade farewell to our friends in that vicinity, going to epend the night with another friend. On our return, Monday morning, it was still pouring down rain, which seemed to give away at intervals so we could reach stations between showere, and when we arrived at Petersburg all was bright.

A pleasant ride on the electric care of one hour, brought us to Richmond, where we were greeted by cordial cousins and dined. At four o'clock, whilet awaiting our train, Dr. Fielding Ashton greeted us cordially and we were pleased to see him interested in seeing a King George friend and desirous we should not go estray. We found Richmond much improved since our last visit several years ago, and prominently coming to the front in a solid way, 88 far a failure and hand, picking is still mainly used in saving the crop. Enterprise.

Special Personally Conducted Tour to the World's Fair via Southern Railway. Virginia Day, St. Louis, Sept. 23. National Farmers' Convention, Sept.

26-30. The Southern Railway will operate special personally conducted train to World's Fair, Sept. 20, ou sisting of the most modern and up date Pullmans and first class day coaches, which will be operated through to St. Louis without change, in charge of a competent and courteous representative of the passenger department, Southern Railway, whose will be to look carefully after the comfort of our patrons. The route will lay through Danville, Salisbury, Asheville, "'The Land of Sky," Knoxville, Louisville, and the famous blue grass section of Ken tucky.

By using this train you will insured a delightful, comfortable journey through one of the most charming and picturesque sections of country the world, and will reach St. Louis in time to participate in the State celebration and Farmers' and Cotton Growers' Congress. For full information apply to nearest ticket agent or address C. W. Westbury, Dis.

Pass. Richmond, Va. 20 Workman's Arm Torn Off. Norristown, Sept. Irons had an arm torn off at the shoulder in machinery at the works of the Norristown Covering company while putting on a belt.

A wife is very dear to the ex bachelor who formerly saved money. The wise guy and a fool's money soon get together. A woman can hold her age better than any other secret. The Conway, Gordon and Garnett National Bank Fredericksburg, Va. The Largest and Most Prosperous -OF THEFifieen Banks in the First Congressional District.

CLEAR AWAY THOMAS TALKS We have decided to continue our Special sale for These goods must go by this time, if prices are to be another week. This sale positively ends Saturday, 17th. depended on "movers. All $1 50 Oxforde, $1.19. All $1.25 Oxfords, 98c.

All $1 Children's 50c Oxfords, 39c. Oxfords, 79c. All Misses' 75e Oxforde, 59e. All Women's fine dress Shoes, $3.50 and $3, $2.25. Ladies' fine Shoes, $2, at $1.49.

dress Shoes, $2.50, at $1 89. Ladies' fine dress Men's low cut tan Oxfords, worth $3, at $1.98. Men's black vici one of the beat $3 50 shoes on the market, low cut, black or tan, $2.50. Oxforde, Regent, worth high $3, cut, at $2.25 Men's Regent, high cut, tan. $2.50.

black, $2.75. Regent, J. W. THOMAS, Shoer and Hatter. MR.

MARYE MAKES OTHER INTERESTING POINTS. Washington, D. September 7th, 1904. I have heard learned divines discourse, with unction and satiefaction, upon "God in History." I mean no disrespect, when I declare that all such efforte seem the very apotheosis of sophistry. Of coure, God is in history.

He rules the universe. But the main contributions to history -the deeds of men-He over This earth is soaked in blood; and scarred all over with the marks of carnage. God is in it all; and againet it all. Hisown Son is the Prince of Peace. Ever since He spoke his gentle worde to men, they have been burlesquing them by their deeds.

Why, when John, the Apostle of love, lost his temper, and, in the spirit of Elijab, wanted our Saviour to call down lightning upon the village in the Samaritan land, Jesus told him he utterly mistook the fundmental idea of His mission. (Dean Stanley says that Christ's rebuke was retrospective, as well, and touched the Carmel incident.) Analyze the Lord's prayer: "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven:" areimilation," at the cannon'e mouth! "National which aggresion, which means injustice! (Analyzing into travesty The United States is pursuing no novel course. She le treading the dreary, track of the nations toward conquest, grandizement, ultimate overthrow. "He eball judge the nations upon earth." There is no glory in war. (A war if defence is a cruel neceseity.) "War is hell." And a nation, whose supreme conrt has de fined it as a "Christian nation," is in a strange attitude in raising hell.

Mr. Samuel Howison used to say that war meant down in an old field, with the sun horse's blazing loot in in your your mouth. face, and And it with could a not have been more bappily defined. This country would find the highest wisdom in striving after the beatitude of the peace maker. God save us from that of a bully among nations! The dent derides the Quakers; but he cannot prove that, if Christendom had followed their tenets, the millenium would not bave sway, to-day; with the Son of Man living amonget us.

There is no line, outside of Shakespeare, more luminous with benignant philosophy than that of the great German writer: "Happy is the nation whose annals are tedious. I living in Little Rock, John Morrisey stopped there, upon his way to the Hot Spring. Soon his arrival was noised aboard, when every Irishman at once betook himself to a friendly "mill" with the first countryman he could waylay. Old Mike cabey, meeting Con Hoolihan, this colloqny ensued: "Now, Con, there's Bobby Lay (Lee); 8 fine old mon. Thirty years ago, he could have put on the gloves, and stood up before ye the whole day.

And there'e Shairman. Shairman's no oghtist; but he's great tacktishian. And, Con, there's that murtherin' Stonewall Jackson, as fine a lod as ye'd mate with in a day's march. And, Con, Gront's a stout lod for ye. Gront could put on the gloves, and stand up before ye a couple of hours.

But, Con, me bhye, what could aither of them do in the hands of John Said Con, as quick as a flash: jabbers, John would ate them." Simply substitute the United States for the prize fighter, and the other nations for these great warriors, and you read the propaganda of which it is the noble mission of the Democratic party to knock the stuffing out. A. 8. Marge. Paint Your Buggy for 75c.

Paint. It weighs 3 to 8 ozs. more to the pint than others, wears longer, and gives a gloss equal to new work. Sold by J. Willard Adams.

THERE'S A CAT down in Kenosha, and there's book full of pictures of him for you-FREE, at our store. It's your old friend, THE BLACK CAT. been away on his vacation. Just returned. He's fairly weighted down places he visited and his jolly with good recollections time.

of the Ile's anxious to know what kind of vacations his boy and girl friends had. We're rather inclined to believe it will be interesting reading. So we want boys and girls to ask us for the book and find out how to win a prize in gold coin. If you didn't have a the same. You can get the book trip, you upon can write vacation just at our hosiery counter.

request J.T.Lowery ry Go. WE SELL DIXON'S PENCILS A large assortment of the best Pencils made for mechanics and all others requiring the students, merchants, Best Pencils at Lowest Prices. We have them-wholesale and retail. Our "Elite" Enameled Ware has no superior. Our "Never Burn" Bread, Roasting and Drip Pans are the best made.

A large assortment of cheaper wares, including granite, ete. tin, galvanized iron, Guns, Prices ammunition, cutlery, toofs, builders' hardware, palls, rope, bolts, etc. right. DICKSON HARDWARE Wholesale and Retail. Fredericksburg.

COLONIAL Colonial Tea Glasses AND TABLE GLASSES. E. C. NINDE. Gambling Houses Raided in Roanoke Acting Mayor A.

Blair Antrim, of Roanoke, ordered a wholesale raid Tues day night on the various gambling joints and disorderly houses in the city. Clar. ence Coleman was arrested for running a gambling house, and bailed in the sum of $500. Nearly twenty houses of questionable reputation were raided and the proprietors taken to the city jail. The McCall Patterns are the only patterns made with perforation, showing exact bastings lines and the seam allowance, without waste of material.

No other pattern has this featare. For sale at Lowery's. Fashion beets free. That Beautiful Gloss comes from the varnish in Devoe's Varnish Floor Paint; costa 5 cente more a quart though. Sold by J.

Wil lard Adams. FRANK P. STEARNS, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Fredericksburg, Va. Will contract for any kind of building work in cities or the country. Will furnish plans and specifications free of charge for any contracts that are awarded him.

Get a bid from him before letting your work Oysters Drug on the Market. The receipts of oysters at Pratt street wharf yesterday numbered 1,200 bushels, nine pungies arriving. Nearly all, however, returned to the oyster grounds without unloading. owing to prices paid. The receipta of clams remain steady, the prices being practically the same as a few weeks Baltimore Sun, Thuraday..

The Daily Star from Fredericksburg, Virginia (2024)


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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.