The 4 Parts of a Buddy Letter (2024)

The 4 Parts of a Buddy Letter (1)A buddy letter is a statement in support of a VA Disability Claim, writtenby someone 18 years of age or older, who has direct, first-hand knowledge of anevent or injury, and offers an account of what they witnessed in support of aveteran's claim.

These personal statements can be from your spouse, friend,pastor, co-worker, boss, adult child, a fellow service member, or any othercredible witness (18 years of age or older).

A credible and supportive statement from a competentindividual can be the linchpin to winning your VA disability claim.

A buddy statement constitutes “lay evidence” under the law,which simply means “after the fact” evidence.

In this post, we will be exploring the 4 essential elementsof a buddy letter, followed by VA buddy letter examples.

How to write a VA buddy letter

When writing or obtaining a buddy letter in support of aveteran's VA disability claim, use VA Form 21-4138, Statementin Support of a Claim.

I've heard gossip that the VA Form 21-4138 mightbe hurting your claim…

They are wrong.

VA Form 21-4138 is still thePREFERRED method for personal statements according to VA Rating Officials.

When filling out the form, remember: A great VA buddy letter is short and sweet (3-4 paragraphs max). Think less is more. We’re not writing a novel here, friends.

VA Raters are very busy people, so you want to give them theexact information they need, at the moment they need it, to support a veteran's VA disability claim.

All buddy letters must include:

  1. Your name, personal identifying information, and how you know the veteran
  2. What you witnessed or arewitnessing
  3. The veteran's current symptoms and level of disability
  4. A signature testifying that the information stated is to the best of your knowledge and belief

Let's look at some examples.

Part 1: How do you know the veteran?

In part 1, you need to explain how you know the veteran.

Here is an example of how to write this section:

“My name is John Doe, and I'm the husband of veteran [INSERTVETERAN'S NAME].

I'm writing this statement on behalf of veteran [INSERTVETERAN'S NAME].

I have known [VETERAN] since 1989. We met in high school and became high schoolsweethearts.

Over the past 30 years, we have interacted daily.”

Part 2: What you witnessed or are witnessing.

In part 2, you need to explain in detail what you witnessedor are witnessing in regards to the incident that caused the condition or how the condition developed over time.

You do NOT need to explain every detail, just establish the condition's beginning in relation to the veteran's military service. Basically, help define how the condition is service-connected.

Here is an example of how to write this section:

“When I first met [VETERAN] before she entered active dutymilitary service, she was happy, fun loving, and had no mental health issueswhatsoever. All of that changed in July 2004 when she was raped byanother service member while TDY to Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio,Texas. It became very evident to me that she suffered and still suffers from severePTSD, depression, and anxiety following this event. I encouraged her to get help and seek treatment many timesover the years, but because she was an officer and worked with senior militaryleaders, she was afraid of retaliation and reprisal.”

Part 3: The veteran's current symptoms.

In part 3, you need to explain how the veteran currently suffers from the condition, including symptoms and limitations caused by the disability.

Again, you do NOT need to explain every detail or reproduce the doctor's notes. Just include thethings you know about and have personally witnessed.

Here is an example of how to write this section:

“Ever since the incident, I witnessed her suffer from severedepression, anxiety, insomnia, nightmares, relationship problems, trust issues,anger issues, panic attacks 3-5x per week, memory problems, and sexualdysfunction, among many others. The rape mentioned above by a fellow service member hasaffected her so much that it is my belief she cannot have a normal relationshipwith anyone anymore, which has caused numerous maritalchallenges over the years. I am 100% certain that her PTSD, depression, and anxiety isdue to the rape.”

Part 4: Signature.

In part 4, you need to sign and date your name to testify that the information stated is to the best of your knowledge and belief.

Here is an example of how to write this section:

“I CERTIFY THAT the statements on this form are true andcorrect to the best of my knowledge and belief.”

Signed, John Doe, January 23, 2019.


Ultimately, buddy letters can be a great help to a veteran's claim if they are simple, straightforward, and clearly communicate how the condition caused by military service has affected the veteran's life.

The 4 Parts of a Buddy Letter (2024)


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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.