30+ Names That Mean Celestial: Mystery, Magic and Meaning (2024)

Celestial names have always held a special place in human culture, representing the vastness and wonder of the universe. These names are often associated with divine beings, stars, and other celestial bodies, evoking a sense of mystery and awe. In this article, we will delve into the world of celestial names, exploring their meanings, origins, and significance. From ancient mythologies to modern pop culture, we will discover the rich history and diverse range of names that mean celestial.

30+ Names That Mean Celestial: Mystery, Magic and Meaning (1)

Table of Contents

Names That Mean Celestial:Lovely Celestial Names for Girls

Celestial girl names often have a soft, lyrical quality to them. They convey notions of light, dreams, magic, and destiny. Here are some of our favorites in this category along with their backgrounds.


Artemis, a prominent figure in Greek mythology, is revered as the goddess of the moon and the hunt. Her name itself holds significant meaning, as “Artemis” is often interpreted to signify being safe and sound. As the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin sister of Apollo, Artemis is known for her independence, strength, and fierce protection of the natural world.

The domain of Artemis over the moon and the hunt reflects her multifaceted nature. She is often depicted as a skilled archer, carrying a silver bow and arrows, and is accompanied by a pack of hunting dogs. Artemis is also associated with wild animals, particularly deer, and is considered their protector. Her connection to the moon further emphasizes her role as a symbol of femininity, childbirth, and the cycles of life.

Artemis is celebrated for her unwavering commitment to her ideals and her disdain for traditional gender roles. She is frequently depicted as a virgin goddess, choosing to remain independent and free from the influence of men. This aspect of her character embodies self-reliance and autonomy, setting her apart from many other figures in Greek mythology.

In addition to her association with the wilderness and the hunt, Artemis is also recognized as a guardian of young women and a bringer of fertility. Her nurturing side is evident in her role as a protector of children and her ability to ease the pains of childbirth. This duality in her character showcases her as a complex deity, embodying both the untamed forces of nature and the caring, nurturing aspects of femininity.

Artemis’s significance extends beyond mythology, as she continues to inspire art, literature, and popular culture. Her portrayal as a strong, independent woman has made her an enduring symbol of empowerment and resilience. The legacy of Artemis endures through the ages, serving as a reminder of the power and complexity of the feminine spirit.


Certainly! Continuing with the theme of celestial names, let’s explore the name “Athena.” In Greek mythology, Athena is known as the goddess of wisdom, courage, and law. Her name, derived from the ancient Greek word “athēnaios,” signifies wisdom. Athena is often associated with strategic warfare, weaving, and crafts. She embodies intelligence, reason, and purity, making her a symbol of knowledge and enlightenment.

The significance of the name “Athena” extends beyond its mythological roots. It has become a timeless and powerful name, evoking qualities of strength, intellect, and grace. Parents who choose this name for their child may be drawn to its rich history and the virtues it represents. The name Athena carries an air of sophistication and resilience, making it a popular choice for those seeking a name that exudes both wisdom and beauty.

In contemporary society, the name Athena continues to resonate, embodying the essence of celestial strength and insight. Its celestial connotations make it an appealing choice for those who admire the celestial realm and seek to instill a sense of cosmic wonder in their child’s name. Whether inspired by mythology or simply drawn to its profound meaning, the name Athena remains a timeless embodiment of celestial wisdom and virtue.


In the vast celestial tapestry of mythology and culture, names hold immense significance, often reflecting the cosmic elements they represent. Among these, the name Aurora stands out as an enchanting embodiment of the dawn’s ethereal beauty and transformative essence.

Aurora, derived from the Latin word ‘Aurora’ meaning “dawn,” was the Roman goddess of sunrise, embodying the radiant glow that ushers in a new day. Her name captures the essence of this celestial event, a time of transition and renewal when darkness gradually yields to light.

In ancient Roman mythology, Aurora was believed to rise from her saffron-colored bed in the east each morning, heralding the arrival of the sun god Sol. Her rosy fingers would paint streaks of pink, gold, and orange across the sky, dispelling the lingering shadows of night. Poets and artists depicted her as a graceful and radiant figure, often adorned with a wreath of flowers and riding a chariot pulled by winged steeds.

Aurora’s association with the dawn extends beyond Roman mythology. In various cultures and traditions, she is seen as a symbol of new beginnings, hope, and the promise of a brighter future. Her name has inspired countless works of art, literature, and music, capturing the awe and wonder we feel as we witness the celestial transformation that occurs at sunrise.

As a name for a child, Aurora carries a sense of optimism, renewal, and boundless potential. It evokes the beauty and magic of the morning sky, encouraging the bearer to embrace each new day with enthusiasm and grace. Whether it is used as a first name, a middle name, or a nickname, Aurora radiates a sense of light, joy, and endless possibilities.


Certainly! Names that carry celestial meanings often evoke a sense of wonder and mystique. “Luna” is a beautiful example of such a name, as it holds a deep connection to the celestial realm. Derived from Latin, Luna directly translates to “moon.” In Roman mythology, Luna was revered as the personification of the moon, representing its ethereal beauty and enigmatic presence in the night sky.

The significance of the moon in various cultures throughout history has been profound. It has been associated with femininity, intuition, and the rhythm of time. The phases of the moon have inspired countless works of art, poetry, and literature, symbolizing transformation, renewal, and the cyclical nature of life.

Choosing the name Luna for a child can be seen as an homage to the celestial forces that shape our world and an acknowledgment of the enduring allure of the night sky. It carries a timeless elegance and a sense of otherworldly grace, making it a popular choice for parents seeking a name that resonates with both beauty and cosmic significance.

In modern times, the name Luna has gained popularity, reflecting a growing appreciation for celestial-inspired names and a broader cultural fascination with the cosmos. Its celestial connotations offer a sense of depth and mystery, infusing the name with a captivating allure that transcends mere linguistic meaning.


Certainly! “Selene” is a name deeply rooted in Greek mythology, representing the celestial and mystical. In Greek mythology, Selene is revered as the goddess of the moon, embodying its ethereal beauty and enigmatic nature. The name itself holds significant meaning, directly translating to “moon” in Greek.

The association of this name with the celestial realm adds an aura of wonder and fascination. It evokes images of the night sky, casting a sense of tranquility and mystery. As a name, “Selene” carries a timeless elegance and a profound connection to the heavens, making it a choice that resonates with those who appreciate the celestial and mythological aspects of life.

Choosing a name like “Selene” for a child can symbolize a hope for their life to be as radiant and captivating as the moon itself. Its ties to ancient mythology also add a layer of depth and history, giving the name a sense of enduring significance. Whether used as a first or middle name, “Selene” serves as a beautiful homage to the celestial world and the enduring power of myth and legend.


Certainly! The name Astrid has a celestial and ethereal quality, as it originates from the Old Norse language, where it means “divinely beautiful.” This name carries a sense of grace and elegance, evoking images of celestial beauty and otherworldly charm. The celestial connotations of the name Astrid are deeply rooted in its historical and cultural significance.

In Norse mythology, the celestial realm was often associated with beauty, purity, and divine presence. As such, the name Astrid reflects these qualities, embodying a sense of transcendent allure and spiritual grace. It conjures imagery of the night sky, stars, and the cosmic expanse, symbolizing a connection to the celestial realm.

Moreover, the name Astrid has been embraced across different cultures, resonating with individuals who appreciate its celestial essence. Its widespread usage underscores its timeless appeal and enduring association with celestial beauty and grace.

In contemporary times, the name Astrid continues to captivate individuals seeking a name that embodies a sense of otherworldly elegance and celestial wonder. Whether used in literature, art, or popular culture, Astrid remains a powerful symbol of divine beauty and celestial inspiration, making it a fitting choice for those who value its profound and enchanting meaning.


Certainly! “Celeste” is a beautiful name of Latin origin that directly translates to “heavenly” or “of the sky.” It embodies a celestial and ethereal quality, evoking images of the vast expanse of the heavens and the wonder of the cosmos. The name Celeste has a timeless and elegant appeal, often associated with grace, beauty, and a sense of otherworldliness.

In various cultures, the concept of the celestial has been revered and held in high regard. The name Celeste captures this reverence, signifying a connection to something greater than oneself. It carries an inherent sense of spirituality and wonder, reflecting the awe-inspiring nature of the universe and the stars above.

As a name, Celeste has been used across different regions and languages, adding to its universal charm. Its celestial connotations make it a popular choice for parents seeking a name that reflects a sense of transcendence, purity, and serenity. Whether inspired by the shimmering night sky or the idea of reaching for the stars, Celeste encapsulates a sense of boundless possibility and the allure of the unknown.

Furthermore, the name Celeste has been celebrated in literature, music, and art, further cementing its association with all things celestial. Its usage in creative works often underscores its connection to the heavens, portraying it as a symbol of hope, inspiration, and the ineffable beauty of the cosmos.


Certainly! “Estella” is a beautiful name with celestial significance. Derived from the Latin word “stella,” meaning “star,” Estella embodies a sense of celestial wonder and brilliance. The name carries with it an inherent connection to the cosmos, evoking images of the vast expanse of the night sky and the shimmering beauty of stars.

In many cultures, stars have been symbolic of guidance, hope, and inspiration. They are often associated with dreams, aspirations, and the mysteries of the universe. Naming a child Estella can be seen as a way to imbue her with qualities of brightness, guidance, and a sense of wonder that is akin to the stars above.

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The name Estella has a timeless quality, and its celestial meaning adds depth and a sense of cosmic significance. It’s a name that can inspire a child to reach for the stars, to embrace their own unique light, and to navigate life’s journey with a sense of purpose and wonder.

Furthermore, the name Estella has been popularized through literature, most notably in Charles Dickens’ novel “Great Expectations,” where the character Estella is portrayed as enigmatic and alluring, much like the stars themselves.


Certainly! The name “Stella” holds a celestial and ethereal quality, as it directly translates to “star” in Latin. This connection to the cosmos gives the name a sense of wonder and brilliance. In various cultures, stars have been associated with guidance, hope, and inspiration, making “Stella” a name that embodies these qualities.

Furthermore, the etymological root of “Stella” is deeply intertwined with the concept of the celestial realm. Its origin can be traced back to ancient times when people looked up at the night sky and found themselves captivated by the twinkling lights above. This fascination with the stars led to the naming of individuals after these celestial bodies, symbolizing their potential to shine brightly and bring light into the world.

The name “Stella” not only reflects the beauty of the night sky but also carries a sense of guidance and optimism, much like a star illuminating the darkness. It’s a name that resonates with a sense of cosmic significance, evoking feelings of wonder and enchantment. As a result, “Stella” stands as a timeless and meaningful choice for those who seek to bestow upon their child a name that signifies celestial grace and enduring luminosity.


Certainly! The name Seren is of Welsh origin and holds a beautiful celestial meaning as it translates to “star” in English. In Welsh mythology and culture, stars have long been associated with guidance, beauty, and the mysteries of the cosmos. Naming a child Seren can symbolize a parent’s hope for their child to shine brightly, to be a source of guidance and inspiration, and to embody qualities of beauty and wonder.

The celestial connotations of the name Seren evoke a sense of wonder and connection to the universe. Stars have often been seen as symbols of hope and guidance, as they light up the night sky and have been used for navigation throughout history. By choosing the name Seren for their child, parents may be expressing a desire for their child to stand out, to be a guiding light for others, or to represent something transcendent and enduring.

Furthermore, the name Seren can also be seen as a reflection of the vastness and beauty of the universe. It carries a sense of mystery and wonder, inviting contemplation of the cosmos and our place within it. This name can inspire a sense of curiosity and exploration, encouraging an individual to reach for the stars, both metaphorically and perhaps even literally, by pursuing their dreams and aspirations with determination and resilience.

In modern times, the name Seren continues to resonate with its celestial significance, offering a timeless and elegant choice for parents seeking a name that embodies both grace and a sense of wonder. Its celestial meaning can serve as a reminder of the beauty and interconnectedness of all things, inspiring those who bear the name to embrace their unique qualities and to shine brightly in their own way, much like the stars that illuminate the night sky.


The name Stella has a celestial and ethereal quality, as it directly translates to “star” in Latin. Its celestial connotations evoke images of the night sky, adding a sense of wonder and beauty to the name. The association with stars and the cosmos lends an otherworldly and transcendent feel to the name, making it a popular choice for parents seeking a name with a celestial meaning.

Stella’s celestial significance goes beyond its literal translation. Stars have held symbolic importance across cultures throughout history, often representing guidance, hope, and inspiration. In various mythologies and belief systems, stars are seen as divine or spiritual entities, embodying qualities such as wisdom, protection, and eternal light. As such, the name Stella carries with it a sense of mystique and cosmic grandeur, reflecting the vastness and splendor of the universe.

In literature and popular culture, the name Stella has been used to evoke a sense of luminosity and brilliance. It has appeared in numerous works of fiction, often symbolizing a character’s inner radiance or exceptional qualities. From plays to novels, the name Stella has been employed to convey a sense of celestial beauty and grace, further emphasizing its connection to the celestial realm.

Furthermore, the name Stella has been celebrated in various forms of art, including music and visual arts. Artists and musicians have drawn inspiration from the celestial symbolism associated with the name, using it to evoke themes of transcendence, spirituality, and cosmic interconnectedness. This has contributed to the enduring allure of the name, solidifying its place as a timeless and celestial-inspired choice.

In contemporary society, the name Stella continues to captivate parents who are drawn to its celestial meaning. Its celestial connotations align with the current trend of choosing names that reflect nature, the cosmos, and the broader universe. As a result, Stella remains a popular choice for those seeking a name that exudes a sense of wonder, beauty, and cosmic significance.


The name Astrid has a celestial and ethereal quality, making it a beautiful choice for parents seeking a name with cosmic significance. Originating from the Old Norse Ástríðr, it is composed of the elements “áss,” meaning “god,” and “fríðr,” meaning “beautiful” or “beloved.” As a result, Astrid can be interpreted to mean “divinely beautiful” or “loved by the gods.”

In many cultures, the name Astrid is associated with celestial attributes, evoking images of stars, galaxies, and the vastness of the universe. This connection to the celestial realm adds a sense of wonder and mystique to the name, making it a popular choice for those who are drawn to celestial themes.

Astrid’s celestial connotations also align with its historical and cultural significance. In Norse mythology, the gods were closely associated with the cosmos, and names reflecting this connection were highly revered. The name Astrid, with its roots in Old Norse, carries this ancient celestial heritage, further emphasizing its otherworldly charm.

In contemporary usage, Astrid continues to evoke a sense of cosmic beauty and grace. Its celestial undertones make it a fitting choice for parents who wish to imbue their child’s name with a sense of wonder and celestial majesty. Whether inspired by the stars, the heavens, or simply the awe-inspiring beauty of the universe, Astrid stands as a timeless and enchanting name with a deep celestial resonance.


Aurora, a name steeped in celestial beauty and mythology, carries a rich history that resonates with the very essence of the heavens. Derived from Roman mythology, Aurora was revered as the goddess of sunrise, embodying the wondrous transition from night to day. Her significance is further emphasized by the belief that her tears transformed into the glistening morning dew, symbolizing renewal and the awakening of the world.

The etymology of the name “Aurora” itself encapsulates its celestial essence, as it directly translates to “dawn.” This linguistic connection beautifully mirrors the goddess’s role as the herald of the morning light, signifying hope, new beginnings, and the promise of a fresh start. The name’s profound symbolism extends beyond its mere phonetic appeal, evoking imagery of the sun’s first gentle rays painting the sky in hues of pink and gold, casting a celestial glow upon the earth.

In contemporary usage, the name Aurora continues to captivate individuals seeking to bestow upon their child a moniker that embodies grace, elegance, and a touch of otherworldly allure. Its celestial connotations make it a popular choice for those who wish to imbue their child’s identity with a sense of celestial wonder and the timeless beauty of the cosmos. Whether in literature, art, or everyday conversation, the name Aurora serves as a testament to the enduring fascination with celestial phenomena and the enduring power of myth and legend.


The name Lyra holds a celestial significance, as it is deeply rooted in mythology and astronomy. Derived from the lyre, the musical instrument of Orpheus, Lyra embodies a sense of artistic expression and celestial beauty. In Greek mythology, Orpheus was a legendary musician known for his exceptional talent with the lyre, and his connection to the enchanting melodies he created. The name Lyra, therefore, carries a rich cultural and artistic heritage.

Beyond its mythological roots, Lyra also has astronomical significance. It is the name of a small but brilliant northern constellation, which adds another layer of celestial wonder to the name. The constellation Lyra is home to the bright star Vega, one of the most recognizable stars in the night sky. Its association with this constellation further emphasizes the celestial nature of the name, evoking images of twinkling stars and the vast expanse of the universe.

Choosing the name Lyra for a child not only bestows upon them a name with a beautiful sound and a rich historical background, but also connects them to the wonders of the cosmos. It encapsulates both artistic creativity and the awe-inspiring beauty of the celestial realm, making it a truly meaningful and evocative choice.

Names That Mean Celestial:Handsome Celestial Names for Boys

While gentle and luminous imagery often surround celestial girls names, boys names take bolder inspiration from the sun, constellations, and mythology. These names express concepts like power, action, leadership, protection, and even prophecy.


Certainly! The name Orion holds a celestial and mythological significance, making it a compelling choice for those seeking a name with cosmic or celestial connotations. Derived from Greek mythology, Orion was a prominent figure known as a great hunter. In the night sky, Orion is also one of the most recognizable and famous constellations, visible from both hemispheres.

The mythological tale of Orion varies, but he is often depicted as a giant and a skilled hunter who boasted that he could kill any creature on Earth. This hubris led to his downfall, as he was eventually stung by a scorpion and placed in the stars by Zeus, immortalized as the constellation Orion. This narrative adds depth and intrigue to the name, offering a rich backstory for those who bear it.

In modern times, the name Orion has gained popularity as a first name for boys. Its celestial associations and strong mythological roots make it an appealing choice for parents seeking a name that exudes strength, mystery, and a connection to the cosmos. Furthermore, its unique and evocative sound contributes to its growing appeal.

The celestial symbolism of Orion extends beyond just its mythological and astronomical origins. For many, it represents a sense of wonder, exploration, and the vastness of the universe. Naming a child Orion can be seen as a way to instill a sense of curiosity and a love for the natural world, encouraging them to reach for the stars and embrace the unknown.


Names that carry celestial meanings often evoke a sense of wonder and majesty. “Leo,” a name with Latin origins, carries a rich celestial significance. Derived from the Latin word for “lion,” Leo is not only associated with the regal animal but also holds astrological and astronomical connotations.

In astrology, Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac, represented by the symbol of the lion. People born under this sign, typically between July 23 and August 22, are believed to inherit qualities attributed to the lion—strength, courage, and leadership. They are often seen as charismatic individuals with a natural flair for drama and creativity.

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Beyond its astrological ties, Leo is also the name of a prominent constellation in the night sky. The constellation Leo is one of the oldest recognized groups of stars, dating back to ancient times. It is most commonly associated with the Nemean Lion, a creature from Greek mythology slain by the hero Hercules as one of his twelve labors. The constellation is marked by several bright stars, including Regulus, which is one of the brightest stars visible from Earth.

The celestial imagery associated with the name Leo adds a layer of depth and mystique, making it an intriguing choice for those who admire the cosmos or seek to convey a sense of strength and grandeur. Whether used as a first name or a middle name, Leo serves as a timeless reminder of the celestial wonders that have captivated humanity for centuries.

Choosing a name with celestial significance like Leo can be a way to honor the vastness of the universe and the enduring allure of the stars while bestowing upon an individual a name that exudes power, grace, and a connection to the celestial realm.


Draco, a constellation easily recognizable in the northern hemisphere, holds a captivating tale behind its celestial name. Derived from the Latin word “draco,” meaning “dragon,” this stellar grouping evokes images of mythical creatures soaring amidst the stars.

Throughout history, various cultures have woven intricate stories and legends around the constellation Draco. In Greek mythology, it was associated with the mighty dragon slain by the courageous hero Hercules during his Twelve Labors. Some ancient civilizations saw it as a celestial representation of the serpent that guarded the golden apples of the Hesperides, while others believed it to be the embodiment of the serpentine form of the Greek god Zeus.

The constellation’s prominent position in the northern sky has made it a significant navigational tool for centuries. Sailors and travelers relied on the familiar pattern of Draco’s stars to guide their journeys across vast oceans and uncharted territories. Its distinctive shape, resembling a dragon winding its way through the heavens, served as a celestial landmark that helped ancient mariners find their bearings and navigate their courses.

In modern astronomy, Draco remains a prominent constellation, visible in the northern hemisphere during the spring and summer months. Its distinctive shape and connection to ancient mythology have captivated stargazers and astronomers alike. The constellation encompasses numerous fascinating celestial objects, including double stars, variable stars, and galaxies. One of its most notable features is the “Eye of the Dragon,” a bright double star system known as Eltanin.

Draco captivates both the imagination and the intellect, embodying the beauty and vastness of the cosmos. Its celestial presence transcends time and culture, connecting us to the rich tapestry of human history and the endless mysteries of the universe.


Hesperos is a name of Greek origin that carries celestial and mythological significance. In Greek mythology, Hesperos is the personification of the Evening Star, which is often associated with the planet Venus when it appears in the western sky after sunset. The name itself has a poetic and mystical quality, evoking images of the evening sky and the beauty of celestial bodies.

The significance of the name Hesperos lies in its connection to the heavens and the natural world. In ancient times, celestial bodies such as stars and planets were often revered and imbued with divine qualities, and the name Hesperos reflects this reverence for the evening star. It symbolizes the transition from day to night, carrying connotations of beauty, tranquility, and the mysteries of the cosmos.

Choosing the name Hesperos for a child can be seen as a way to honor the rich heritage of Greek mythology and its enduring influence on literature, art, and culture. Additionally, the name’s celestial meaning may appeal to those who are drawn to astronomy, astrology, or the wonders of the night sky.

In contemporary society, the name Hesperos offers a unique and evocative option for parents seeking a name with a deep historical and mythological resonance. Its celestial associations can also serve as a source of inspiration, encouraging individuals to reach for the stars and embrace the beauty and wonder of the universe.

Overall, Hesperos is a name that encapsulates the timeless allure of the evening star, embodying both the majesty of the cosmos and the enduring power of myth and legend.


Certainly! The name “Atlas” has a rich and fascinating history, deeply rooted in Greek mythology. In Greek mythology, Atlas was one of the Titans, a race of powerful deities who predated the Olympian gods. He was known for his incredible strength and was tasked with holding up the celestial heavens on his shoulders as punishment for leading the Titans in their war against the Olympian gods.

The name “Atlas” itself has celestial connotations, as it is associated with the act of bearing or supporting the weight of the heavens. This celestial imagery makes it a compelling choice for parents seeking a name that embodies strength, endurance, and a connection to the cosmos.

In modern times, the name “Atlas” has gained popularity as a unique and evocative choice for boys. Its celestial associations lend it an air of mystery and grandeur, making it a fitting option for those who are drawn to celestial themes or who appreciate the historical and mythological significance of the name.

Furthermore, the name “Atlas” carries a sense of adventure and exploration, evoking images of vast, uncharted territories and the spirit of discovery. This makes it an appealing choice for parents who wish to instill a sense of curiosity and ambition in their child.


Certainly! “Apollo” is a name with celestial significance, rooted in Greek mythology. In ancient Greek myths, Apollo was considered the god of light, music, prophecy, and knowledge. His name itself carries a sense of celestial grandeur, as he was associated with the sun and its life-giving properties.

The name “Apollo” has been widely used across various cultures, often representing qualities such as creativity, enlightenment, and leadership. Its celestial connotations make it an appealing choice for parents seeking a name that embodies strength, wisdom, and a connection to the heavens.

In contemporary times, the name “Apollo” continues to evoke a sense of mystique and power, often chosen for its mythological significance and timeless appeal. Its association with the celestial realm adds a layer of depth and wonder to the name, making it a compelling choice for those who admire its rich historical and cultural roots.


Certainly! “Elias” is a name with celestial connotations, as it originates from the Hebrew language and carries a profound meaning. The name “Elias” holds roots in the Hebrew name “Eliyahu,” which means “the Lord is my God.” This name is deeply associated with the prophet Elijah from the Old Testament of the Bible. Elijah is revered in various religious traditions for his close relationship with God and his miraculous deeds, including his ascent to heaven in a chariot of fire.

The celestial essence of the name “Elias” is derived from its connection to the divine and the heavens. It reflects a sense of spiritual strength and devotion, embodying the idea of a higher power and a celestial presence. In many cultures, names that carry such significance are often believed to bestow certain qualities or blessings upon the individual who bears them.

The celestial symbolism of the name “Elias” extends beyond its biblical origins. It evokes a sense of awe and wonder, reminiscent of the vastness and beauty of the cosmos. The celestial associations of this name can inspire a sense of purpose, guiding individuals toward a greater understanding of their place in the universe and fostering a deep connection to the spiritual realm.

In contemporary usage, the name “Elias” continues to resonate with its celestial and spiritual undertones, making it a meaningful choice for parents seeking a name that embodies faith, strength, and a connection to the divine. Whether used as a first name or a middle name, “Elias” serves as a reminder of the enduring link between the earthly and the celestial, carrying with it a sense of reverence and inspiration.


Certainly! “Helios” is a name with celestial significance, rooted in Greek mythology as the personification of the sun. In Greek tradition, Helios was often depicted as a handsome charioteer driving the sun across the sky each day. The name itself has a rich history and a deep celestial connection, making it a powerful and evocative choice for those seeking a name with mythological and celestial connotations.

The name “Helios” originates from the Greek word “Ἥλιος,” which directly translates to “sun.” It embodies the radiant and awe-inspiring nature of the sun, symbolizing warmth, light, and life-giving energy. As a celestial entity, the sun has been revered across cultures and civilizations, representing power, vitality, and the source of all life on Earth.

Choosing the name “Helios” for a person can carry profound symbolism, reflecting qualities such as strength, illumination, and leadership. It can also be seen as a nod to the enduring influence of ancient mythology, adding a timeless and classical dimension to the name.

In contemporary usage, the name “Helios” can serve as a unique and meaningful choice for individuals who appreciate its celestial and mythological roots. Its rarity and distinctive sound contribute to its appeal, offering a sense of individuality and depth. Whether used as a first name or a middle name, “Helios” carries an inherent sense of grandeur and cosmic significance, making it a compelling option for those drawn to celestial themes and classical mythology.


Certainly! The name Lucian has a rich and celestial meaning derived from its Latin roots. It originates from the Latin word “lux,” which translates to “light.” As a result, Lucian carries the beautiful connotation of “bringing light” or “illuminating.” This celestial association with light often symbolizes enlightenment, knowledge, and guidance, evoking a sense of celestial wonder and brilliance.

In various cultures, the concept of light is often linked to spiritual awakening, clarity, and the pursuit of truth. Therefore, the name Lucian not only embodies a celestial quality but also reflects attributes that are often associated with heavenly or divine beings. Its profound meaning can inspire a sense of hope, positivity, and a connection to the cosmos.

The celestial essence of the name Lucian makes it an appealing choice for those seeking a name with deep significance and a touch of otherworldly charm. Its association with light and illumination can serve as a reminder of the enduring presence of positivity and wisdom, making it a fitting choice for individuals who wish to carry a name that reflects celestial beauty and spiritual depth.


The name Leo has celestial connotations rooted in its Latin origin, where it directly translates to “lion.” This association with the regal animal extends further into the realm of astronomy, as Leo is also the name of one of the most prominent constellations visible in the night sky. The constellation Leo holds great significance and is often recognized for its distinctive shape, which resembles the majestic lion. Its prominence in the celestial sphere has made it a subject of fascination and study throughout human history.

In astrology, the zodiac sign Leo is represented by the lion, reflecting qualities such as strength, leadership, and courage. Individuals born under this sign are often associated with characteristics attributed to the lion, including confidence, charisma, and a commanding presence. The celestial symbolism of Leo encompasses not only the physical representation of the lion in the stars but also the traits and attributes traditionally linked to this powerful animal.

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Beyond its astronomical and astrological connections, the name Leo carries a sense of grandeur and magnificence, evoking images of the vast cosmos and the awe-inspiring beauty of the universe. For those drawn to celestial themes or seeking a name with cosmic significance, Leo offers a compelling choice, encapsulating both the timeless allure of the night sky and the enduring symbolism of the lion. Whether appreciated for its astronomical associations, astrological implications, or simply its evocative imagery, the name Leo resonates with a sense of celestial splendor that transcends cultural and linguistic boundaries.


The name Draco holds a celestial and mythical significance. Derived from the Latin word for “dragon,” Draco is not only a name but also the designation of a winding northern constellation in the night sky. In ancient mythology, this constellation is often associated with a dragon and is said to represent the very creature that was slain by the legendary hero Hercules.

This celestial connection lends an air of mystery and grandeur to the name Draco, evoking images of the vast expanse of the night sky and the awe-inspiring wonders it holds. The intertwining of myth and astronomy adds depth to the name, making it a powerful choice for those who are drawn to celestial themes or who seek a name with a rich and storied background.

In modern times, the name Draco continues to carry a sense of otherworldly allure, capturing the imagination and sparking a sense of wonder. Its ties to both ancient mythology and the cosmos make it a name that resonates with a sense of timeless fascination and an enduring connection to the celestial realm.


The name Jericho has a celestial and historical significance. It originates from Hebrew and carries the meaning “city of the moon.” This beautiful and evocative name draws its celestial connotations from the association with the moon, a celestial body that has captivated human imagination for millennia.

In addition to its celestial connection, Jericho also holds a significant place in history and religious texts. In the Bible, Jericho is noted as the first city conquered by Joshua as the Israelites entered the Promised Land. This historical context adds depth and richness to the name, infusing it with a sense of strength, resilience, and triumph over adversity.

Choosing the name Jericho for a child can be seen as a nod to both celestial wonder and historical significance. It embodies a sense of mystery, beauty, and a deep-rooted connection to ancient narratives. The name’s layered meanings make it a compelling choice for parents seeking a name that resonates with both celestial and historical allure.


The name “Jupiter” holds a celestial significance, drawing its roots from the king of the Roman gods. In Roman mythology, Jupiter was revered as the ruler of the heavens, embodying strength, power, and authority. As a namesake, Jupiter carries an inherent sense of majesty and influence.

Beyond its mythological association, Jupiter also represents the largest planet in our solar system. Its sheer size and dominant presence among the planets further enhance the grandeur and significance associated with this name. The celestial connotations of Jupiter make it a compelling choice for those seeking a name that reflects cosmic power and magnificence.

Choosing a name like Jupiter for a child can symbolize aspirations for greatness, strength, and leadership. It encapsulates a sense of boundless potential and an expansive, far-reaching impact, much like the vastness of the planet itself. Whether inspired by mythology or the wonders of the universe, the name Jupiter resonates with a timeless and awe-inspiring quality, making it a captivating choice for those drawn to celestial themes.

Names That Mean Celestial: in Different Culture

Celeste (Latin)

Certainly! The name Celeste originates from the Latin word “caelestis,” which means heavenly or celestial. This beautiful and elegant name carries with it a sense of divine beauty and grace, evoking images of the sky and stars. In various cultures, the name Celeste has been used to symbolize the heavens, reflecting a sense of purity, serenity, and otherworldly charm.

The celestial connotations of the name Celeste make it a popular choice for parents who wish to bestow upon their child a name that embodies ethereal beauty and a connection to the cosmos. Its association with the heavens also lends it an aura of spirituality and transcendence, making it a meaningful choice for those seeking a name with deeper significance.

In addition to its Latin roots, the name Celeste has been embraced across different cultures and languages, further emphasizing its universal appeal. Its timeless elegance and celestial meaning have contributed to its enduring popularity, not only in English-speaking countries but also in various parts of the world.

Selene (Greek)

Selene is a name of Greek origin that carries celestial significance, as it is associated with the moon goddess in Greek mythology. In Greek mythology, Selene is often depicted as a beautiful and enchanting deity who personifies the moon. She is considered one of the Titans, the divine beings preceding the Olympian gods.

The name Selene itself is derived from the Greek word “selas,” which means “light” or “brightness.” This etymology reflects the radiant and luminous nature of the moon, which has captivated human imagination for millennia. As a celestial entity, the moon has been a symbol of mystery, femininity, and the cyclical nature of life.

Choosing the name Selene for a child can carry a sense of ethereal beauty and a connection to the celestial realm. It evokes a sense of wonder and mystique, drawing upon the timeless allure of the moon and its influence on human culture and mythology. The name Selene also offers a link to ancient traditions and storytelling, providing a rich tapestry of meaning for those who bear it.

In contemporary times, the name Selene continues to be embraced for its poetic and otherworldly qualities. Its association with the celestial sphere adds a layer of depth and symbolism, making it an appealing choice for parents seeking a name with a profound and enduring significance. Whether used as a first name or a middle name, Selene resonates with a sense of cosmic wonder and the enduring power of myth and legend.

Nova (Latin)

The name “Nova” originates from the Latin word for “new star.” In celestial terms, a nova refers to a sudden brightening of a star, which then slowly fades back to its original luminosity. This astronomical event symbolizes a burst of light and energy, often associated with new beginnings and fresh starts.

Choosing the name Nova for a child can carry a profound significance, reflecting the idea of brightness, renewal, and the potential for greatness. It encapsulates the concept of a guiding light, much like a star illuminating the night sky. The name Nova can serve as a beautiful reminder of the endless possibilities and the constant renewal of life.

In addition to its celestial connotations, Nova also holds a modern and stylish appeal, making it a popular choice for parents seeking a name that is both meaningful and contemporary. Its simplicity and elegance make it a versatile name suitable for individuals of any gender, embodying a sense of cosmic wonder and brilliance.

Sirius (Latin)

Certainly! The name Sirius has its origins in Latin and is associated with the brightest star in the Earth’s night sky. This celestial name holds a significant place in various cultures and mythologies, often symbolizing power, brilliance, and guidance. In astronomy, Sirius is part of the constellation Canis Major, and its radiant presence has captivated human imagination for centuries.

The name Sirius carries a sense of luminosity and grandeur, reflecting the awe-inspiring nature of the star it represents. Its celestial significance often extends beyond its astronomical prominence, as it frequently serves as a metaphor for something exceptional or extraordinary.

In many ancient civilizations, including Egyptian, Greek, and Roman cultures, Sirius held profound mystical and religious importance. For instance, in ancient Egypt, the heliacal rising of Sirius marked the flooding of the Nile, a crucial event for agriculture and the livelihood of the people. The star’s appearance was linked to rebirth and rejuvenation, making it a symbol of fertility and abundance.

Furthermore, Sirius has been associated with various deities and mythical figures across different cultures, adding layers of symbolism to the name. Its enduring brightness and unwavering presence have inspired poets, writers, and artists throughout history, often evoking themes of resilience, enlightenment, and transcendence.

Choosing the name Sirius for a child can be seen as a tribute to the celestial wonders of the universe, emphasizing the qualities of illumination, strength, and uniqueness. Its rich cultural and historical associations make it a compelling choice for parents seeking a name that embodies both cosmic significance and timeless elegance.

Astra (Latin)

Certainly! The name Astra has its origins in Latin and carries a celestial meaning, signifying “star.” Derived from the Latin word for star, “astrum,” this name encapsulates the brilliance and wonder associated with celestial bodies. In various cultures, stars have often been symbolic of guidance, hope, and inspiration. The name Astra, therefore, not only evokes the beauty of the night sky but also embodies qualities such as luminosity, guidance, and a sense of wonder.

In addition to its etymological significance, Astra holds a timeless appeal, resonating with those who are drawn to celestial themes or who seek to convey a sense of cosmic beauty and grandeur through a name. Its elegant sound and celestial connotations make it a meaningful choice for parents who wish to bestow upon their child a name that reflects the awe-inspiring nature of the universe.

The allure of the name Astra extends beyond its literal meaning, as it can also serve as a source of inspiration, encouraging individuals to reach for the stars, embrace their inner light, and navigate life’s journey with a sense of purpose and brightness. Whether used as a first name or a middle name, Astra carries a sense of enchantment and cosmic significance, making it a compelling choice for those who appreciate the celestial wonders that surround us.


The allure of the celestials, with all their mystery, magic, and meaning has captivated mankind since the beginning of time. Bringing these title elements down to earth in the form of a baby’s name is both humbling and thrilling. Whether you go for something simple like Luna or ambitious like Persephone, a moniker with cosmic connections bestows endless promise. We hope our guide gives you launchpad to discover the perfect heavenly name that speaks to your heart when you gaze at your little star or sunbeam. May their light shine on through their one-of-a-kind name.

30+ Names That Mean Celestial: Mystery, Magic and Meaning (2)

I am Patricia Mann, an experienced professional in the art of naming children. With a wealth of knowledge in the field of baby names, I aim to assist parents in choosing a meaningful and beautiful name for their little ones. My expertise lies in the Name Meaning section, where I delve deep into the origins and significance of names, providing valuable insights that I hope will be beneficial for parents.

Understanding the profound impact a name can have on a child’s life, I strive to offer comprehensive guidance. The Name Meaning section is not just a repository of information but a resource where parents can discover the rich tapestry of meanings associated with different names. It is my belief that a child’s name is more than just a label; it encapsulates the desires, hopes, and love of the parents.

In this journey of baby naming, my goal is to make the process enjoyable and meaningful for parents, ensuring that the chosen name resonates with the family’s values and cultural background. I invite you to explore the Name Meaning ofImpeccable Nest section as we embark on the delightful and important task of naming the newest members of your family.

30+ Names That Mean Celestial: Mystery, Magic and Meaning (2024)


What name means celestial? ›

Nova, Celeste and Ash are all top contenders for celestial baby names. The meanings behind celestial names are related to stars, planets and the night sky. Parents seeking a celestial baby name may choose names like Luna or Orion for their new baby.

What unique name means magic? ›

Here are our favorite baby names meaning “magic” in different languages:
  • Anwansi: Igbo.
  • Āsimati: Amharic.
  • Büyü: Turkish.
  • Čaroban or Čarolija: Croatian.
  • Divyae: Sanskrit and Hindi.
  • Draíocht: Irish.
  • Galdur: Icelandic and Norse.
  • Jadis: Hindi. Also the name of the White Witch in the Chronicles of Narnia.
Apr 17, 2023

What is the most mystical name? ›

  • Thor.
  • Thurston.
  • Titan.
  • Veda.
  • Vishnu.
  • Zen.
  • Zenobia.
  • Zohar.

What name means mysterious? ›

Names meaning "mysterious"
  • Latif.
  • Barbra.
  • Bab.
  • Babs.
  • Barbee.
  • Barbi.
  • Babb.
  • Babbette.

What name means fallen star? ›

Vega. This one means 'falling star' in Latin and references one of the biggest and brightest stars in the heavens.

What is the moon celestial name? ›

Sol, Terra, and Luna are the Latin names of the Sun, Earth, and Moon, respectively, but in no way are they official. People still call them the Sun, Earth, and Moon, because those are the English names, and some people speak English. Our star is the 'Sun', our natural satellite is the 'Moon'.

What are names for magic? ›

Synonyms of magic
  • sorcery.
  • witchcraft.
  • wizardry.
  • enchantment.
  • mojo.
  • deviltry.
  • necromancy.
  • thaumaturgy.

What name means keeper of secrets? ›

In the Kabbalah of Judaism, Raziel is an angel known as the “Angel of Mysteries” and “Keeper of Secrets.” For baby Raziel, those secrets might be where he's thrown his left sock or why there's cereal stuffed in between the couch cushions.

What are some magical world names? ›

Examples of Fantasy World Names
  • Ashyn – The Silence Divine.
  • Braize – Referenced, but no book.
  • First of the Sun – Sixth of the Dusk.
  • Lumar – Tress of Emerald Sea.
  • Nalthis – Warbreaker.
  • Roshar – The Stormlight Archive (Way of Kings)
  • Scadrial – Mistborn Series.
  • Sel – Elantris, The Emperor's Soul.
Aug 23, 2023

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Names Given to Fewer Than 5 Baby Boys in 2022
  • Aubin.
  • Bramwell.
  • Conran.
  • Crusoe.
  • Eisenhower.
  • Finlo.
  • Florent.
  • Gulliver.
Oct 13, 2023

What is divine names? ›

Divine Names are a key component in the communication between humans and gods in Antiquity. Their complexity derives not only from the impressive number of onomastic elements available to describe and target specific divine powers, but also from their capacity to be combined within distinctive configurations of gods.

What is a cool fantasy name? ›

Popular Fantasy Baby Names
  • Ambrose.
  • Bastian.
  • Odessa.
  • Peregrine.
  • Bram.
  • Geralt.
  • Godric.
  • Auron.
Feb 1, 2024

What is a secret name? ›

Contemporary pre-industrial peoples guard secret names which are only used in solemn rituals. These names are never mentioned and kept from general knowledge.

What is the name for a secret name? ›

Pseudonym, has its origins in the Greek word pseudōnymos, which means "bearing a false name." Greek speakers formed their word by combining pseud-, meaning "false," and onyma, meaning "name." French speakers adopted the Greek word as pseudonyme, and English speakers later modified the French word into pseudonym.

What first name means mystery? ›

Gizem. Derived from Turkish origin, Gizem means 'mystery. '

What girl name means celestial? ›

Celestial Girl Names With Heavenly Grace
CelinaHeaven; the moonLatin
10 more rows

What name means child of the stars? ›

Hoshiko. Above, we list the Japanese name meaning “sun child”; here, we have Hoskiko, the name that means “star child” in Japanese. They're both adorable options!

What name means eternal one? ›

Names meaning "eternal"
  • Amari.
  • Khalid.
  • Khaled.
  • Javon.
  • Javion.
  • Javan.
  • Arkin.
  • Avinash.

What name means galaxy? ›

Eunha: Meaning “galaxy” in Korean. Galaeth: Meaning “galaxy” in Welsh. Galassia: Meaning “galaxy” in Italian. Galaxy: From the Greek word galaxias, a system of stars.


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